Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wins and Losses

Good news:  Republicans in Williamson County won every race.  Congratulations are in order for State Rep-elects Tony Dale and Marsha Farney, State Rep Larry Gonzales, and our new State Senator Charles Schwertner.

Also in the good news column are wins for Tom Maynard (State Board of Education, District 10) and the four Republicans elected and/or reelected to the Third Court of Appeals:  Bob Pemberton, Jeff Rose, David Puryear, and Scott Field.

In the Round Rock School Board races the results were mixed:  Pauline Law won handily, but Tere McCann lost to Chad Chadwell.  Both Law and Chadwell were first in ballot order, and both have good "candidate names."  Considering that most likely voters went into the polls to vote for president without much knowledge about the local races, those factors probably played the most significant role in the ISD campaigns.

In the ACC races, winners were Barbara Mink and Allan Kaplan, although Libertarian candidate Caldwell actually won the vote in Williamson County.  As I've pointed out previously, the layout of the ACC district effectively neutralizes the voice of Williamson County and other more conservative areas. 

Sadly, a great Texas Congressman, Quico Canseco, lost to Democrat Pete Gallego, and of course we are looking at four more dark years of Barack Obama.   I can't be angry, however; I know full well that Obama and every other politician will go the way of Ozymandias, and in the end the Creator will have the last say.

In the meantime, I'll be praying for my country, for my enemies, and for my beloved family and friends.  


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