Monday, March 29, 2010

Gordon Thinks the Texas Ethics Commission is a Joke

The Williamson County Sun newspaper doesn't post an on-line edition, so many of you probably missed this, but a few weeks ago The Sun reported that John Gordon, candidate for the Texas House of Representatives, District 52, intentionally violated the laws for campaign reporting and has refused to pay the associated fines handed down by the Texas Ethics Commission.

According to the news report, Gordon stated he deliberately did not file his first campaign finance reports on time, saying, “the Texas Ethics Commission is a joke.”

Gordon joins the ever-colorful, biennial candidate Jim Dillon in proudly refusing to pay the legal fines required for ethics violations under Texas Law. (For those who do not know Jim Dillon, he has run for some 4 different offices, was Democrat candidate for Texas House of Representatives in 2008, and was defeated in the GOP Primary race for County Commissioner Pct. 2 in 2010.)

Although Gordon's refusal to comply with campaign reporting requirements will not result in removal from the ballot, it may lead to increased fines. The initial fine is $500, but could increase to as much as $10,000. Gordon would also be reported to the Texas Comptroller's office for a warrant hold.

Gordon's response? “I'll subpoena them. There is so much wrong with the filing system, so I'll take them to court so I can bring to their attention what is wrong.”

Ah, another Gordon lawsuit. I guess since he dropped the suits against Alyssa Eacono, one of his opponents in the Primary, against the Williamson County Republican Party, and against Wilco GOP Chairman Bill Fairbrother, his lawyer needs something new to do.

Here's a scan of the article:

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