Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Seitsinger Publicly Endorsed Democrat in 2008

It seems that "GOP" Primary candidate Lee Ann Seitsinger is not only an inconsistent voter (she has only voted in 30% of elections since 2004,) but she has publicly supported Democrats for public office as recently as 2008.  During that election cycle, Ms. Seitsinger composed a letter to the editor of the Round Rock Leader expressing her support for Democrat Greg Windham for County Commissioner. 

She states, "It takes a bold person to run as a Democrat in this county."  And "This choice is clear.  Windham all the way."

So although Lee Ann Seitsinger rarely votes, it looks like she voted for Democrats in 2008. 

At local candidate forums Ms. Seitsinger has been unable to answer basic questions about local government nor deviate from her pre-written talking points.  She did not bother to vote in the 2006 bond election she has used as the primary basis for her challenge to Commissioner Lisa Birkman, and again, her voting record indicates she really hasn't bothered herself with elections much at all. 

Even more disturbing is the support Seitsinger has received from several prominent Democrats, especially those lobbying to have several local species of salamander added to the Federal Engandered Species List.  If they succeed, Williamson County will be further subjected to the machinations of the Obama Administration's radical environmental agenda.  We can only speculate as to what Ms. Seitsinger has promised these folks, but it can't be good.

Incumbent Lisa Birkman has done an outstanding job guiding Williamson County through this high growth period during which we have become the number three county in the nation for job creation. 

For Republican voters in 2012, this choice is clear; Lisa Birkman all the way. 

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