Tuesday, April 15, 2014

We Know Carlos Salinas by the Company He Keeps

One way in which Democrats often attempt to gain a foothold in Republican areas is through so-called 'non-partisan' offices.  We've seen this repeatedly through the local school board in Round Rock, but highly partisan 'non-partisans' are also a problem on the City Council.

Round Rock City Councilman Carlos Salinas has tried to reassure the city's Republicans that he is really not that partisan, but his recent re-election campaign efforts are telling a different story.

Salinas kicked off his campaign (at his possibly illegal  downtown headquarters,) with a whole slew of Democrats from out-of-town.  Until last weekend, his Facebook page proudly displayed photos of himself with some rather surprising characters.  Most notably, former State Senator Gonzalo Barrientos (D-Austin,) Democrat candidate for State Senator Joel Shapiro, and Democrat Congressional Candidate Louie Minor have all journeyed to Round Rock to help re-elect their Democrat comrade. 

Former State Senator and staunch Democrat Gonzalo
Barrientos drove up from Austin to attend Salinas'
campaign kick-off.

Now retired from the legislature, Senator Gonazalo Barrientos is well-known not only for being allowed to stay in office after his DWI arrest and conviction, but for his 100% Pro-Abortion voting record from the National Abortion Rights Association (NARAL).  He also stinks on 2nd Amendment Rights and received an overall "D" rating from both the TSRA and NRA.  Barrientos' ratings on Budget, Spending, and Tax issues ranges from a low of 5% to a high of 25%.  I'd say he is pretty darn partisan, but gosh he sure seems to like Carlos Salinas.

 Democrat Congressional Candidate Louie Minor
 drove down from Bell County to help Salinas.  This
photo has now disappeared from Salinas' page.

Also helping out with the Carlos Salinas campaign is Democrat Congressional Candidate Louie Minor.  Mr. Minor joined the demonstrations in Austin last year in support of late-term abortions, and favors expanding the government takeover of healthcare.  He is running against Round Rock's Congressman John Carter on the November 2014 ballot.  These aren't exactly moderates showing up here to help Salinas.

Interestingly enough, shortly after my post last week on how Salinas is benefiting from the $400,000, 5-year, interest-free loan he voted to give to a local developer, someone has 'scrubbed' Salinas' re-election page removing embarrassing photos like the one above of Louie Minor.  The only photos available from last Saturday's fundraiser are of...the food.  Now why wouldn't Salinas want everyone to know who his powerful friends are?

Salinas is also a member of the Democrat Municipal Officials association, a national group whose stated goals include building a "Democratic future," and "capitalizing on America's cities and towns as laboratories for policy innovation."  (emphasis added.)   The group also provides members with sample press releases and statements that will make them sound reassuringly conservative to those pesky Republicans in their respective districts.  According to the Democrat Municipal Officials' promotional video, as a member Salinas gets to network with other municipal Democrats from 'successful' cities like Newark and Chicago


The problem with these hardcore Democrats holding local 'non-partisan' seats is that local offices are the launching pad for higher office.  In fact, the above-mentioned Democrat Municipal Officials video specifically states that they are teaching folks like Salinas to "run for other offices."  You would think Round Rock residents would have learned their lesson after the Diana Maldonado disaster of 2008-09.  Serving on the 'non-partisan' school board led to her election to the State House, where her pro-abortion, anti-business, pro-tax partisan stripes became painfully apparent.

Democrat Carlos Salinas will face local businessman Will Peckham in the May 10 Election.  A Round Rock native, Peckham has been active in the community and unlike Salinas, isn't trying to fool anyone into thinking he's something he's not.  He has served in many non-partisan and partisan roles on behalf of the Republican party.  (Disclosure-He and I have been fellow delegates to the State GOP convention on several occasions.)  Most recently, Will Peckham served as chairman of the Organization Committee at the Williamson County Republican Party Convention.  

Early Voting begins Monday, April 28 and concludes on Tuesday, May 6.  Election Day is Saturday, May 10.  The Williamson County Elections website has a full list of times and locations.  

Update:  Apparently Democrat candidate for Williamson County Commissioner Tom Mowdy is assisting Salinas too:  According to his campaign finance reports Mowdy donated $200 to the campaign.  Another former Democrat candidate, Brig Mireles donated $300.  Again folks, don't let Salinas fool you- he is a committed Democrat. 

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