Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Diana Maldonado's Attack Ad Backfires: Updated

Did you see it?  Nope, probably not.  Representative Diana Maldonado's attack ad hasn't aired much and they haven't posted it on the internet.

Update:  We finally found the ad on Youtube:

According to those who saw it on Austin television stations Monday, the ad opens with scenes of the University of Texas tower and references to the troubled young man who fired shots and killed himself at the school on September 28.  The ad then cuts to Larry Gonzales at a candidate forum discussing Texas' Concealed Handgun License program.  Gonzales asks "How many of you guys on the way here had a shoot-out...?  (Gonzales' question was in reference to opponents of the original CHL legislation who claimed that 'blood would run in the streets' since there would be 'shoot-outs' at every intersection.)

Apparently the Maldonado campaign was flooded with outraged phone calls and emails because many Central Texas residents felt that the ad exploited the UT tragedy for political gain and was horribly insensitive to Colton Tooley's family and friends. 

Diana Maldonado also sent a mailer, basically a milder print version of the TV ad, those who have seen it are outraged. 
(HT:  Lawrence Person's Battleswarm Blog)

In addition to the insensitivity to the Tooley tragedy, Diana Maldonado seems to have seriously misread Texans' love for their 2nd Amendment rights.  Heck, when Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson includes the fact that he carries a gun in his boot in his radio ad, and it's a good thing, campaigning against such an important Constitutional right can only misfire. 

For your listening pleasure, Jerry Patterson's great ad.

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